Friday, July 9, 2010

Stevie Soul Interviews Sy Smith On Soul Discoveries!!!
Stevie Soul Interviews Sy Smith – “Musically Speaking”

Sy Smith is unique. She has style. She is an artist that easily sails from genre to genre without missing a beat. Her vocal range soars. Watching a Sy Smith performance is like kicking it with family at a backyard BBQ and the star of the family has taken the spotlight. Sy controls the stage. You will be entertained. Rocking and grooving to the beat as she gives you what is her. You will laugh, sing along and you may even cry. Her music is based in Truth. Musically summed up in three cd’s (Psyko Soul (Plus), Syberspace Social and Conflict) as of this writing are stories of love, society’s woes and more love. She sings from her heart and soul.

Sy Smith is honest, highly intelligent, humble, hilarious and beautifully human.

I am a BiG fan of Sy Smith and could go on and on but here are just a few things I was curious about.

01. How old were you when you knew you wanted to be a professional entertainer and how did that begin to manifest

. Sy Smith – I think I started appreciating the performing arts at a very early age, around 5, and I mean really appreciating the performing arts. I was really into voices, characters, movement, and of course, music. As a kid, my main source of entertainment was the Children’s Television Network (Sesame Street, Electric Company, Mister Roger’s Neighborhood), etc. So my manifestation of performing was based on what I saw in these shows. I used to make up characters and give them back stories and distinct voices. I’d write songs that all sounded like something a puppet would sing (and most of the themes had to do with how much playing I was planning to do on the playground…) However, it took many years before I knew I wanted to become a professional performer. I don’t think I truly made that decision until my junior year at Howard University. Even after years of studying piano, competing in classical voice, participating in choirs galore, I really didn’t decide on this path until I was about 20.

02. What’s your schedule like now and what can we look forward from you as your next step?

. Sy Smith – I don’t really have a schedule from day to day. It’s more like what I have going on for the next 3 weeks. I tend to deal with things in threes. I have a single coming out called “Truth” with Mark de Clive-Lowe (MdCL) in July on Strictly Rhythm, we shot a video, and we’re gonna be doing some shows together. July 24 in ATL, July 30 in DC. Then I’ll be doing some solo shows (with a live band) – July 31 in Chicago, August 5 in Los Angeles. I’m planning to take a week in August and live in the studio with some musicians I’ve been working with and finish recording some things I started a while back. Different kind of material for me, but I really dig it… I’ll keep you posted!

03. What’s the most important things you can do as an entertainer/black woman?

. Sy Smith – Gee whiz. I think the most important things I can do as an entertainer/black woman would be the same things I’d do as a human being. Or at least the things I try to do. Live in truth. Treat other living beings kindly. Be good to the earth. Be thankful to the Creator. Love myself wholly and unconditionally – and spread that love in whatever ways it chooses to manifest.

04. Scale of 1-5 how nervous are you before a performance?

. Sy Smith – If 1 is not nervous and 5 is quite nervous… Usually 1. But sometimes I’m at a 1 and then right before I start I’m at a 3! Haha! Usually I’m nervous weeks ahead of time. But by the time I choose my set list and rehearse with the band, I’m back to 1.

05. What’s your all time favorite song…hope picking one isn’t too hard.

Good grief, this is difficult! I Know You, I Live You – Chaka Khan. That song just makes me feel so so so so happy! I never get tired of hearing that song in a club!

06. If you were granted 3 wishes what would they be?

. Sy Smith – This is tough.

I’d wish that my mom would be able to use her legs again. I wouldn’t need any wishes after that.

Check out my artist spotlight featuring Sy Smith:( featuring some of my favorite Sy songs as well as her many collaborations with other artists and producers.

Sy Smith’s music is available at,, and iTunes! See the latest video for “Conflict” on BETJ’s “Soul Sessions”!

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